Once the OCR process is finished the preview images will show recognized elements. Additionally
you will see image snippets and the corresponding recognized text.
At this point you should make sure the system name field contains the right system name. If not please
fill it manually. Also make sure the station name was recognized without errors. Station names
containing letter "D" are especially error prone.
Now check if the commodity name and values are recognized properly. Commodity name is being double checked
with a list of known commodities which you can find in menu bar under Settings > Commodity editor.
Commodities not found in the commodity list will be marked in red.
Commodity prices and quantities are recognized by two OCR engines which work best on screenshots
which are at least 1050 pixel high. Screenshots which have lower resolution will frequently contain errors.
After you made sure all values are correct you may click on "Add and Next" to add the values to the table.
You can click on "Skip" if the processed line contains scrambled, partial or unwanted data.
Double entries will be skipped if you have the option "Remove duplicates" enabled in settings.
This option is enabled by default.
You cannot go back in your OCR results once you clicked on "Add and Next" or "Skip". However you can
edit the data in the result table directly by double clicking on the cell you want to edit.
You can remove a full line in the result table by selecting the line or any cell in the line and pressing
You can remove all entries in the result table by clicking on "Clear Table"