
EliteOCR is not finding the system name

1. Verbose logging was enabled in AppConfig.xml (resets with every game update)
2. After adding verbose logging game was restarted and system was changed
3. Screenshots were made AFTER the former points were done
4. Log directory was set properly in EliteOCR

If not, do it or continue reading for more information

EliteOCR looks for system names in the log directory of Elite: Dangerous. Additionally VerboseLogging="1" has to be added in the game's AppConfig.xml.

You can find the logs in (your installation path)\EDLaunch\Products\FORC-FDEV-D-1002\Logs
AppConfig.xml should be in (your installation path)\EDLaunch\Products\FORC-FDEV-D-1002\
If you cannot find it use the search function of windows or search on the forum.

Should you still have problems make sure to do the following:

- If you just enabled verbose logging make sure to fly first to another system and make screenshots there. Elite: Dangerous is only adding info to log files after you changed the settings. Screenshots made before will not work.

- Always do screenshots in the game with F10. Screenshots made by 3rd party tools will not have corresponding entries in logs.

- Check if the screenshot and system names after jumping are listed in the log file. If not recheck your configuration in AppConfig.xml

Your Appconfig.xml should look similar to this:
